![]() As we considered our vision as a circuit there were a number of things we had to consider, including:
As we considered those things we were struck by the sense of both privilege and responsibility, much like what might be felt by a parent as they consider their child...
In January I was bed-ridden with flu. It was the real deal, not just man-flu. My joints and muscles were sore, my head and face hurt, I was lethargic, and could only manage to sleep. I dosed up on fluids and over-the-counter drugs to try and fight it off whilst I slept. And after three days of being in bed I put my glasses back on again for the first time in days. But there was a problem.
The last time I’d worn my glasses I had been able to see perfectly, the prescription restoring 20/20 vision and correcting my astigmatism. Now I was seeing double whilst wearing my glasses. An emergency opticians appointment gave me some new lenses with prisms to correct may vision, but they couldn’t spot a discernible reason for the sudden change so the optician referred me to the GP. After several inconclusive blood tests and diet checks to assess whether there was a viral or dietary reason for it, I just put it down to “one of those things that happens when you reach 36”. A couple of months later I was at one of our churches when someone in the congregation asked how I was doing and shared a similar experience they’d had. The cause for them had been codeine. I initially responded to say I hadn’t had any codeine, but mid-sentence realised I had taken two extra strong paracetamol-codeine tablets that were in the cupboard… I haven’t verified it as the cause, but safe to say I won’t be taking it again in a hurry! Here’s my point: I had taken my vision for granted, and without vision I was less capable and more ineffective... |
Our VisionThis is our "Vision Blog" where we'll be working through what our vision is all about, sharing where it comes from, dreaming about what it looks like in practice, and sharing stories of our vision in action across the Circuit! ArchivesCategories